Parts or Sections of the Front Office Department - Hotel Management -->

Parts or Sections of the Front Office Department - Hotel Management

Parts or Sections of the Front Office Department - Hotel Management

FRONT OFFICE DEPARTEMENT is one of the departments in the hotel, responsible for all forms of maids in the hotel from the time guests check-in until guests leave the hotel. Services provided include handling room bookings, handling guest arrivals, handling guest luggage, telephone services, handling guest luggage, and providing information.


Almost all activities in the Front Office are related to guests, either directly or indirectly. Therefore the front office is often referred to as the heart of the hotel, because the front office is the center of providing information in the hotel. In other words, from the time a guest arrives, until he returns to his home country, it requires services from the front office.

The Front Office Department is one of the departments at the hotel. each section of the Front Office has different duties and responsibilities. The parts of the Front Office consist of several parts, namely Receptiom, Reservation, Information, Telephone Operators, Concierge, and Front Office Cashier.

To fulfill all the needs and provide servants to guests, it is necessary to have a division of duties and positions, namely the Front Office sections, so that the services provided can be maximized. The following is a division of positions or sections in the Front Office:

Sections - Sections of the Front Office

1. Reception

Reception is one of the sections in the Front Office that is in charge of handling guest arrivals (check-in), both by reservation and without reservation (walk-in guest), handling guests moving rooms, and handling guest departures (check-out).


2. Reservation

Reservation is one of the sections in the Front Office that is responsible for handling guest rooms. Either from individuals or from groups.


3. Information

Information is one of the sections in the Front Office which is in charge of providing information services to guests during their stay at the hotel.


Other Articel : hotel room status codes

4. Telephone Operator

One of the sections in the Front Office which is in charge of handling the reception and connection of telephone connections, both from inside the hotel, and those from outside the hotel


5. Uniformed Service / Concierge

Uniformed Service or Concierge is one of the sections in the Front Office that is responsible for handling guest luggage services, be it during check-in, check-out, or room space. Concierge also serves guest luggage storage.


6. Front Office Cachier

Front Office Cachier Is One of the Existing Sections The front office is in charge of handling guest bills, or handling guest bills while staying at the hotel.



Of the six sections of the front office above, each section has its own duties and functions. The tasks can be divided depending on the size of a hotel. Therefore, the division of this section is necessary to make it easier to provide service to guests.

